Recreational and medical marijuana are both legal in Washington. Adults age 21 and older may possess 1 oz or less of marijuana. Possession of more than 1 oz, but less than 40 g is a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine and a term of imprisonment greater than 24 hours but no more than 90 days. Possession of more than 40 g of marijuana is a felony that could result in 5 years of imprisonment and $10,000 in fines. It remains illegal to consume marijuana in public places or to drive under the influence of THC. Cultivation for recreational use is also prohibited and growing any number of plants is a felony that could result in 5 years of imprisonment and $10,000 in fines.
Patients who are enrolled in Washington’s medical marijuana program may possess 21 g of cannabis concentrate, 3 oz of flower marijuana, 48 oz of THC-infused product in solid form, or 216 oz of THC-infused product in liquid form. Patients may grow up to 6 plants and possess up to 8 oz of useable marijuana from their harvest. In certain circumstances, patients may be authorized to grow 15 plants and possess up to 16 oz of useable marijuana from their harvest. Meanwhile, qualifying patients who have not entered the state’s medical marijuana database may grow up to 4 plants and possess up to 6 oz of useable marijuana. In all cases, the plants must be grown in the patient’s domicile.
Properly licensed MDs, DOs, APRNs, physician assistants, and naturopaths who have a documented relationship with the patient may recommend marijuana for the following conditions:
• Cachexia
• Cancer
• Crohn’s disease
• Hepatitis C
• Intractable pain
• Muscle spasms
• Nausea
• PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
• Seizures
• Traumatic brain injury
• Severe pain
Additionally, practitioners may recommend marijuana for patients suffering any terminal or debilitating condition.
Washington does not have a reciprocity program to accommodate medical marijuana patients from out of state.
For more information about the program, see the Washington State Department of Health’s website: https://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/Marijuana/MedicalMarijuana.