Recreational and medical marijuana are both legal in Oregon, but it is illegal to consume marijuana in public places or to drive under the influence of THC. Adults age 21 and older may possess 1 oz or less of marijuana on their person or have up to 8 oz in their residence. Possession of between 1-2 oz on one’s person is a violation punishable by a fine of up to $650. Possession of between 2-4 oz on one’s person or between 1-2 lbs in one’s home is a misdemeanor punishable by a $2,500 fine and imprisonment of up to 6 months. Possession of more than 4 oz on one’s person or over 2 lbs in one’s home is a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $6,250 and incarceration of up to 1 year.
Individuals may cultivate up to 4 plants. The unlicensed growing of 4-8 plants is a misdemeanor punishable by 6 months of incarceration and a fine of $2,500. Unlicensed growers who cultivate more than 8 plants may face felony charges, which entails a possible punishment of 5 years of incarceration and a fine of $125,000. Individuals in possession of more than 0.25 oz of high THC concentrate not purchased from a licensed retailer may face a similar punishment.
Patients who are enrolled in Oregon’s medical marijuana program can possess 24 oz of usable marijuana and to have 6 mature plants and 18 immature seedlings. To enroll, patients must receive a recommendation from a properly licensed MD or DO who currently provides the patient with primary care. Patients with the following conditions may qualify for the program:
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Cancer
• Glaucoma
• PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Practitioners may recommend marijuana for patients whose treatment or condition results in:
• Cachexia
• Persistent muscle spasms
• Severe nausea
• Severe pain
• Seizures
Oregon does not have a reciprocity program to accommodate medical marijuana patients from out of state.
For more information about the program, please see the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program website: